<aside> 📌 Welcome to the Signals and Systems crash course! This course is here to familiarize you with some basic concepts from functional analysis that are often relevant to engineering problems.



Course Note

This course has two primary goals: to (1) lightly acquaint you with the shared theoretical underpinnings of stastics and functional analysis and (2) give you practice with a few key computations that will play important roles in your upcoming courses. As a result, we follow a fairly non-standard trajectory and will turn to different texts for different topics in the course; this also means that reading assignments are heavily curated. We will primarily rely on Terry Tao’s Introduction to Measure Theory when discussing measure and integration, Prince & Links’ *Medical Imaging Signals and Systems* when meeting key concepts for the first time, and Oppenheim & Willsky’s Signals and Systems to walk through the details of signals and systems proper.

Topics introduced include (Lebesgue) measure and integrability, continuous-time signals (and their sampling), function convolution, and the Fourier transform.


The aim of the pretest is to help you gauge your current comfort level with this topic. You are not expected to be able to complete the entire test perfectly, but you should assume that your comfort level with the pretest material will roughly reflect your comfort level with Imaging Science course material.


Problem Sessions

We offer two problem sessions per week. These sessions loosely follow an office hour style. You can ask us questions on the weekly material (feel free to send us questions in advance, so we can prepare ahead of time). Additionally, we offer to go through the main concepts and example exercises on the material of the week. These sessions are here to guide you through the selected material. You decide if (and when) you find sessions helpful to attend. Attendance is not required!

When? Tuesday and Thursday at 8 - 9 am and 6 - 7 pm CST (Note: The two sessions on the same day have the same content)

Where? Join Zoom Meeting

Questions for tutors? Send us an email!

Sungmin: [email protected]

Nischal: [email protected]

Ty: [email protected]

Integrability, Signals, and Sampling